Referrals are the most sought after word in the world of PTC’s. A person with good referral base can make good amount of money, if he channeled it in the right way. Referrals are an integral part of PTC’s and if you want to make good money, you can invite your friends to register under them or rent referrals. Rent Ref’s are available in almost all the PTC Sites and to use that you have to invest some amount. I mostly rent ref’s in Neobux and it pays me well.
To explain a little bit about the concept of Ref’s, let’s assume that you have registered under a PTC and you earn $0.04 per day. If you refer two of your friends to this site and if they click 4 ads each, you will receive 50% of their earnings. (The ratio varies from Site to Site). That sums up to $0.04 ($0.02 from the first one and $0.02 from the second one). So your total earnings for the day ads up to $0.08. If you have more referrals, the income is bound to increase. Consider the amount it will generate for 10 sites if you have 10 dedicated ref’s.
There are many ways to increase your referral base. Let’s assume that a normal user will have close to 50 contacts in his inbox. Out of which 50% maybe active users who login everyday and check their mails or get hooked to the internet. Out of these 25, maybe 25 % of them would be interested to make money online. If you can get these guys to register under you, then earning from the internet becomes much easier. You can also refer others by posting on forums or if you have a BlogSpot you can create banners and make them register under you.
For users who do not have any referral base, the PTC provides you with an option of renting ref’s. These rented refs’s will click on the ads on your behalf and you will be paid for their efforts. But you need to pay an amount to rent them. Per an old saying, first you have to give something to get something. I have rented ref’s using Neobux and the profit percentage is good. First I invested around $5 and got an earning of $8, which is not bad. You can rent once every week and most of my income come from renting ref’s. You can rent more ref’s to earn good money.
The catch in this referral scheme is you need to click on the ads everyday to receive the credit from your referrals. If you miss it on one day, your day’s earnings from the referrals go up in air. If you are sort of guy who clicks just for the fun of it or only when you are free, renting ref’s is not the ideal option for you. To succeed in making money on the internet, I believe that you need to spend a little bit of time everyday without fail.
PTC’s ideal for work at home moms who have good amount of spare time and they can use it in a best way. Most of us have atleast one hour of spare time everyday. We can use that to good effort and make a little bit of money. Even an extra $50 per month is no mean money and every penny counts. Go for it, who knows you can make a living out of that. Cheers!!!
Nice explanation... Thanks for registering at fortuda and buxp. I registered under you at svbux...
Thank you!!
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